Diesel Pros - Suspension Steering & Brakes

1999-2003 Ford 7.3L Power Stroke - Suspension Steering & Brakes

If you’re like us, you want your pickup to perform the best it can in all situations. Now and then, you may find yourself offroad where clearance and suspension travel is incredibly important. Or, you may be looking to upgrade the appearance of your pickup and are considering a Tire and Wheel change. Either way at some point you will be needing to ditch some, if not all of the factory suspension. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice ride quality or drivability. 

With any modifications, we believe in a function first mentality, meaning the upgrades you make to your pickup should make the driving or working experience more comfortable and safe. This is something that is not always achieved with any run of the mill suspension upgrade. That being said, our product offering has been vetted and tested since it is what we run on all of our pickups, as well as what we install on our trusting customer’s vehicles. Whether you are looking to level the front of your pickup and upgrade from the factory springs and shocks, replace or upgrade your factory brake components,  or you are looking for a full suspension replacement we have it. 

As one goes to lift or level their pickup, they will find numerous kits and options to use, unfortunately not all of these kits are going to make your pickup ride near as well or be as safe as it came from the factory. With that being said, there are plenty of manufacturers that offer kits that don’t sacrifice either of these attributes. They are fully inclusive and provide the correct parts to maintain factory drivability while improving upon the ride quality. These are the kits we carry. A great explanation of the differences of these kits can be found on our YouTube Channel: Leveling Kit vs. Lift Kit

Here we have taken the time to carefully select a wide range of high quality and safe suspension components because we understand how important your Diesel Pickup is for you and your family. We also understand the importance of keeping your rig’s great drivability, so again as enthusiasts first we truly vet the products we sell. Keep in mind that we have the real world knowledge and experience to back up what we sell. If you don’t see a product you are looking for, or if you would like some help selecting one with your budget and goals please feel free to pick up that phone and give us a call or shoot us an email. Chances are we have it and its just not on our site yet -  We are the PROS.  Thank you for choosing dieselpros.com, your Montana based diesel truck experts.  

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